Odizzo : Location share chat 1.4.3
When you wonder about the location of yourfamily, friends and lovers,now with ‘Odizzo’ you can ask locations, chat, and even get help innavigation when ever you want.‘Odizzo’ shares your location, and the scale of location as peryour choice to the people whom you are chatting with.Don’t worry about the details of your location since you can evenchoose the scale of the location that you wish to share.With Odizzo, you can come a lot more closer with your lovedones.So download ‘Odizzo’!*Friend : friend list will be made based on the contacts in yourdevices.*Chat : you can chat with your friend.*Peck : location request shall be sent to your friend.*Shot : by taking a picture, you can share both your location andthe picture at once.Your location will shared after you agree to a location request(peck) message sent by your friend.The scale of location as in city, state, and country will be set byyou.Your friends location also directly shows same scale of locationafter you select where you are.The location of me and friend is sharing in real time while onchatting.When you out of chatroom, the location sharing will stopimmediately.After an hour of a last chat, the location share will be off bytime-out.'Peck' again about request for you want to share a location intime-out.
학원어디가? 5.3.1
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